Magento Configurable Product

Configurable product type in Magento allows customers to select additional product options, such as size or color. Each option is a separate, simple product with SKU, so one can separately track its inventory.

Magento configurable product

Creating a Magento Configurable Product

Step 1. Create attributes to configure (e.g size and color).

If an attribute already exists and has all the necessary properties, you jump to this step and add it to the attribute set.

configurable product Magento

To create/edit an attribute, go to Catalog - Attributes - Manage Attributes and configure the following Required Properties:

  • Scope - should be set to Global
  • Catalog Input Type for Store Owners - select Dropdown
  • Apply To - choose Configurable Products/All product types;
  • Use To Create Configurable Product - select Yes.

Magento product configurator

In the Manage Labels/Options section specify the title and provide the attribute values. For example, the title of an attribute ‘color' and black/red/white options.

config Magento product

Step 2. Create an attribute set.

First, go to Catalog - Attributes - Manage Attributes Set, assign the name of a set and select an existing set to use as a template. When done, hit Save and jump to the Edit Attribute Set page.

configurable product

Here, name the set and drag&drop each attribute you created from the Unassigned section to the group you want them to appear.

Magento product configuration

Note! Don’t forget to refresh Cache/Index Management.


Step 3. Create a configurable product.

Go to Catalog - Manage Products, add a new product with the a attribute set and specify a product type.

configurable product Magento

In the Configurable Attributes section, select the attributes you want to include into product options.

Magento configurable attributes

When done, fill in all the product information as you would do for a simple product, but with a few exceptions:

1. The price for each associated product should be set separately.
2. Inventory should be managed by each associated product separately. Set Manage Stock option to No.


Step 4. Adding associated products to a configurable product.

As already have been mentioned, a configurable product is a combination of simple/associated products. When you set and saved all the basic settings of the main product, it’s time to fill in the associated products tab.

Magento product tab

There are 3 different ways to add associated products:

1. Create Empty
2. Copy from Configurable
3. Quick Create.


1. Quick Createis the fastest way to create associated products, as you just need to configure several options in the ‘Quick simple product creation’ form. The name and SKU fields need to have a different value. Note! If you set Visibility option to Not Visible Individually, each associated product won’t be listed in the catalog on the front-end and customers could order each product from the configurable one. Note! The price of the associated product will be added/subtracted from the price of the configurable product. For example, you set the price of $50 for a configurable product, but also you want to charge extra $5 for the M-size shoes. If you set 5 in the Price field of the associated product, the main configurable item will cost $55. If you set -5, the price of the configurable product will be $45.

2. Create empty opens a pop up window with the same fields as when configuring a simple product. All the fields will be empty.

3. Copy from Configurable opens the same pop up window where most of the settings are filled with the values you entered for a configurable product.

Note! Don’t forget to change the Visibility status to Not Visible Individually. When done with creating associated products, you’ll see them in the Super product attributes configurationsection. Here you can edit any particular product settings and price.

Super Magento product attributes configuration

If you’re working with a large product catalog (that has variations), want to manage the inventory of each option and save time on custom options creation/management — consider using Advanced Product Options extension.The benefits you will get:

1. Easily create dependent custom options
2. Manage the inventory of every variation
3. Use color swatch to display images of custom options
4. Create custom options templates
5. Set & customize custom options pricing
6. and more.

Here is an article about Magenro 2 configurable product


Sounds interesting? Then check out all the extension’s feature and streamline the process of custom options management for your store.