Pre-Order and Backorder in Magento 2

If your products are selling like hot cakes and you can't keep up with the growing demand, you need a pre-order or backorder functionality. Here is the difference:

Pre-orders (or 'I want to be the first to buy it’) feature is generally used to accept orders before the official release date. Say, if your customers want to be among the first lucky users of some new gadget, get an exclusive new pair of Jordans, Kenzo for H&M shoes, etc, they can put an order for all that in advance.

Backorders in Magento 2

Backorders functionality is supported by Magento 2 out-of-the-box. Go to Stores - Configuration - Catalog - Inventory - Product Stock Options tab.

Magento2 backorder

In the 'Backorders' section select the necessary option:

  • No backorders disables backorders in your store;
  • Allow Qty Below 0 shows the product as In Stock even when the product reaches qty = 0;
  • Allow Qty Below 0 and Notify Customer shows the product as In Stock and dispays the appropriate message on the shopping cart.

Pre-orders in Magento 2

In Magento 2, there is no pre-order functionality by default. So you need to find a ready solution that suits your business needs. You may consider the extensions listed below.

Magento 2 pre-order