Breadcrumbs in Magento 2

When dealing with usability, each little thing matters. That’s why breadcrumbs may be rather simple but a very important navigation feature.

Breadcrumbs are a block of links that reflects the whole path to a certain page or product. Using breadcrumbs, customers can get back to one of the previous steps. For example, the shopper is looking at the t-shirt. Breadcrumbs allow customers to return to the t-shirts section of your store or even earlier to the clothing section. This block seriously enhances the onsite navigation.

Magento breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs block is usually located at the top or at the bottom of the page. It can look like “Main page – Category page – Subcategory page – Product” with an unlimited but reasonable number of intermediate steps.

Breadcrumbs are available by default in Magento 2. Also, they are activated from the very beginning. There is no need to enable them by yourself. However, you can disable breadcrumbs in your stores’ admin panel. Go to System – Configuration – General – Web – Default Pages and disable the Show Breadcrumbs for CMS Pages option.

Magento 2 breadcrumbs

To customize the breadcrumbs section in your Magento 2 store, it is recommended to contact a professional developer to make sure that the configuration process won’t ruin your store design and functionality.

In addition, sometimes it may be useful to add mark-up tags to let search engines better in-dex the existing breadcrumbs. It cannot be done without external extensions.

How to implement breadcrumbs on Magento 2 store with SEO Suite Ultimate extension

However, the default Magento 2 breadcrumbs are quite inflexible and can’t be customized for better store navigation.

This is the case, when SEO Suite Ultimate can be of great help.

The extension enables you to implement two additional breadcrumbs types. Go to the Stores tab and click the Configuration option. Next, select the SEO option in the MageWorx left-sided menu. Then, expand the SEO Breadcrumbs section.

You can select the breadcrumbs type from the corresponding dropdown. Except for the default type, you can use the shortest and longest options.

Magento 2 breadcrumbs for SEO

The Use Shortest option enables the shortest possible breadcrumbs path.
For example, Store – Category – Product.

The Use Longest option applies the longest possible breadcrumbs path.
For example, Product – Category – Subcategory 1 – Subcategory 2 – Product.

Also, from here you can enable or disable the advanced SEO Breadcrumbs.

Besides, can enable/disable the Category Priority functionality. The last option is used to define the categories that should be displayed in case a product belongs to multiple categories. You can prioritize them in the Marketing – MageWorx SEO Breadcrumbs section.

SEO Magento 2 breadcrumbs

As you can see, this extension can help you customize your store breadcrumbs and enhance your store navigation manifold.

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