Magento store Menu types

A modern website can’t exist without navigation. This is especially true for eCommerce, where customer experience should be the top priority and onsite navigation is vital.

Hence, one of the key moments in navigation is menus. Magento 2 supports various types of menus by default.

Below you’ll find several types of menus Magento 2 supports.

Main menu

First, let’s check the main block of the menu. Usually, it is a multiple permanent collection of links for different categories of products. Sometimes, when the store has more categories to be displayed, it is used a dropdown menu can be expanded to open the access for further navigation. Note, that this block is visible on each page of the site and reflects the key products in your store.

main Magento menu

Subcategory menu

Second, eCommerce store today can’t be imagined without additional navigation ele-ments like links inside each category. For example, when you have clothing section, you always have different types of clothes. Organized block of subcategories is also an im-portant menu and a part of the onsite navigation.

category Magento 2 menu

Layered navigation

Layered navigation is another point to mention. Also, known as filtered navigation, this block of filters is a menu too. From here, customers can specify search conditions to fig-ure out certain products to choose from.

layered navigation Magento 2 menu

Product page menu

Moreover, each product page has it’s own menu. In this menu you can specify product’s details, e.g. size or quantity. This menus are important to let customers make the final choice when purchasing a product.

page Magento menu


The next type of menu on the list is breadcrumbs. This hierarchical chain links reflects the whole way to the current page where a customer actually is. It allows to make a step back to one of the previous pages that has been visited.

breadcrumbs Magento menu

Service menu

Also, the bottom block of menu should be mentioned. Here, one can find a collection of all service information like a sitemap, about us section and contact details to help a cus-tomer get support.

bottom Magento menu

If nothing of the above falls into your eCommerce website pattern, you can also add your own menus in Magento 2. You can install the extension that adds this functionality if you don’t feel experienced enough to implement this. Alternatively, you can contact developers for assistance to make sure that everything will work smoothly.

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