How to Work With Mageworx PHP Composer Repository

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What Is MageWorx PHP Composer Repository

Updating your Magento extensions can actually be an easy process — just a few seconds of waiting and you’re set. But it can also involve installing a bunch of shared packages, additional updates, and even support requests. Basically, this is the hassles no one wants to deal with.

The latest versions of the MageWorx extensions are always available both on our website and Magento Marketplace.

However, due to multiple review stages on Magento Marketplace, the latest version of our products may appear there 2-3 weeks later than on our website.

That is the reason why we’ve launched our own PHP Repository that allows all our users to get timely updates of any purchased MageWorx extension.

To work with the MageWorx Repository, the store owner needs the Composer tool to be installed on the server. The Composer itself is the package manager of the PHP software that allows the customer to install and update the scripts on the website.

If some script has the missing dependent elements, they will be uploaded preventing the situation when some program may fail due to some missing libraries.

The following manual assumes that you have already installed and set up the Composer tool. If you haven’t, please follow these instructions.

    1. Log into your server using the Terminal and navigate to the root Magento folder. Bear in mind that the user should have the write permissions for this folder and its subfolders.
    2. Connect to the MageWorx Composer Repository: 
      composer config repositories.mageworx_packages composer
    3. To use the Composer repository, you’ll need the access keys. To receive them, go to the  MageWorx website, log into your customer account and go to the My Access Keys tab:
    4. Use the Public Key as a login and the Private Key as a password. After the successful authorization, you can install, update or delete the extensions. The main thing here is to detect the name of the package. Please, check this table and find the extension you wish to work with.
    The Extension’s Name Composer Name
    Advanced Product Options mageworx/module-advancedproductoptions
    Cross Links mageworx/module-seocrosslinksmeta
    Currency Auto Switcher mageworx/module-currencymeta
    Customer Group Prices mageworx/module-customergrouppricesmeta
    Delivery Date mageworx/module-deliverydate
    Donations Suite mageworx/module-donationsmeta
    Extended Rich Snippets mageworx/module-seomarkupmeta
    Extended Sales-Orders Grid mageworx/module-ordersgridmeta
    File Downloads & Product Attachments mageworx/module-downloadsmeta
    Geo Lock mageworx/module-geolockmeta
    Gift Cards mageworx/module-giftcards
    Landing Pages mageworx/module-landingpagesprometa
    Multi Fees mageworx/module-multifeesmeta
    Order Editor mageworx/module-ordereditormeta
    Order Management mageworx/module-ordereditor
    Others Also Bought module-alsoboughtmeta
    Personal Customer Discount mageworx/module-personalpromotionmeta
    Prices per Customer mageworx/module-customerpricesmeta
    Reward Points mageworx/module-rewardpointsmeta
    Search Suite mageworx/module-searchsuitesphinxmeta
    SEO Meta Templates mageworx/module-seoxtemplatesmeta
    SEO Suite Ultimate mageworx/module-seosuiteultimate
    Shipping Suite mageworx/module-shippingrulesmeta
    Sitemap Suite mageworx/module-sitemapsuitemeta
    Store and Currency Auto Switcher mageworx/module-storecurrencymeta

In all the following examples, the module-advancedproductoptions is used. Please change this to the one that you wish to work with.

How to install the extension?

To install the new extension, you need to execute this command in the Terminal:

composer require mageworx/module-advancedproductoptions

How to update the extension?

You may need to update some specific module or all the MageWorx extensions that are purchased under your account. To update just one particular extension, you need to execute this command in the Terminal:

composer update mageworx/module-advancedproductoptions

To update all your MageWorx modules, execute the command:

composer update

After the composer downloaded the updates, it’s time to perform the upgrade. For this, execute:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

How to delete the extension?

To delete the extension you need to execute this command in the Terminal:

composer update mageworx/module-advancedproductoptions

That’s basically it.

Should you have any questions on MageWorx PHP Composer Repository, please contact us at [email protected]

My name is Max and I'm the Business Development Specialist at MageWorx. My main focus is identification and research of new prospective business niches and competition research. I take part in technical planning of the new company’s products. I love indie horror movies and old Norse literature.


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