Mageworx Advanced Product Options Customization

How to Display Weight & WeightType Fields Outside the Modal Window?

MageWorx Advanced Product Options Customization | MageWorx Blog
Reading Time: 4 minutes

No matter how robust a solution is, customization might be required to achieve business-specific objectives or preferences.

Following some requests our Support Team received regarding the ability to take the Weight and WeightType fields from the Modal Window in the Magento 2 Advanced Product Options extension, we are happy to share a quick how-to guide on the means to achieve that objective easily. Read on for easy-to-follow guidelines.

Table of Contents

Step-by-Step Guide on Advanced Product Options Customization

This is how the Weight & Weight Type fields look in the Advanced Product Options extension out-of-the-box:

MageWorx Advanced Product Options Customization | MageWorx Blog

To display these fields outside the modal window, you’ll need to follow these five easy steps:

Step #1. New Module Creation

Start with creating a new module: VendorName_OptionCustomFieldWeight.

For that,

  1. Create the app/code/VendorName/OptionCustomFieldWeight directory,
  2. Generate and fill in three standard files that are normally used to register a module, i.e., composer.json, etc/module.xml, registration.php.


"name": "vendorname/module-optioncustomfieldweight",
   "description": "N/A",
   "require": {
       "magento/framework"                  : ">=101.0.0 <103",
       "mageworx/module-optionfeatures"     : ">=2.16.1"
   "type": "magento2-module",
   "version": "1.0.0",
   "license": [
   "autoload": {
       "files": [
       "psr-4": {
           "VendorName\\OptionCustomFieldWeight\\": ""

2) etc/module.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
   <module name="VendorName_OptionCustomFieldWeight" setup_version="2.0.0">
			<module name="Magento_Catalog"/>
			<module name="MageWorx_OptionBase"/>
			<module name="MageWorx_OptionFeatures"/>

3) registration.php


Step #2. Class Copying

Next, you need to find and copy the following class: /app/code/MageWorx/OptionFeatures/Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier/Features.php to /app/code/VendorName/OptionCustomFieldWight/Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier/Features.php.

Step #3. Class Modification

Now, let’s modify the copied class. To do that, you need to:

a) Change the namespace of our class to VendorName\OptionCustomFieldWeight\Ui\DataProvider\Product\Form\Modifier;

and add the classes that we will need a little later. These classes are

use MageWorx\OptionFeatures\Model\Config\Source\Product\Options\Weight as ProductOptionsWeight;


use Magento\Ui\Component\Form\Element\Input;

If all is done correctly, this should look as follows:


namespace VendorName\OptionCustomFieldWeight\Ui\DataProvider\Product\Form\Modifier;

use MageWorx\OptionBase\Ui\DataProvider\Product\Form\Modifier\ModifierInterface;
use MageWorx\OptionFeatures\Helper\Data as Helper;
use Magento\Ui\Component\Form\Element\Hidden;
use Magento\Ui\Component\Modal;
use Magento\Framework\UrlInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http;
use MageWorx\OptionFeatures\Model\Config\Source\ShareableLinkMode as SourceConfig;
use MageWorx\OptionFeatures\Model\Config\Source\Product\Options\Weight as ProductOptionsWeight;
use Magento\Ui\Component\Form\Element\Input;

class Features extends AbstractModifier implements ModifierInterface


b) Add the MageWorx\OptionFeatures\Model\Config\Source\Product\Options\Weightclass object to our constructor:


* @var ProductOptionsWeight
protected $productOptionsWeight;

* @param ArrayManager $arrayManager
* @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
* @param LocatorInterface $locator
* @param Helper $helper
* @param Http $request
* @param UrlInterface $urlBuilder
* @param SourceConfig $sourceConfig
* @param ProductOptionsWeight $productOptionsWeight
public function __construct(
   ArrayManager $arrayManager,
   StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
   LocatorInterface $locator,
   Helper $helper,
   Http $request,
   SourceConfig $sourceConfig,
   UrlInterface $urlBuilder,
   ProductOptionsWeight $productOptionsWeight
) {
   $this->arrayManager = $arrayManager;
   $this->storeManager = $storeManager;
   $this->locator      = $locator;
   $this->helper       = $helper;
   $this->request      = $request;
   $this->sourceConfig = $sourceConfig;
   $this->urlBuilder   = $urlBuilder;
   $this->productOptionsWeight = $productOptionsWeight;


c) Find the getValueFeaturesFieldsConfig() method:

* The custom option value fields config
* @return array
protected function getValueFeaturesFieldsConfig()
   $fields                         = [];
   $fields[Helper::KEY_IS_DEFAULT] = $this->getIsDefaultConfig(148);
   return $fields;

And add the getWeightConfig() and getWeightTypeConfig() methods to the array with custom fields for custom options values. These methods will implement a corresponding configuration. Now, the getValueFeaturesFieldsConfig() method must look as follows:

* The custom option value fields config
* @return array
protected function getValueFeaturesFieldsConfig()
   $fields                         = [];
   $fields[Helper::KEY_IS_DEFAULT] = $this->getIsDefaultConfig(148);

   if ($this->helper->isWeightEnabled()) {
       $fields[Helper::KEY_WEIGHT]      = $this->getWeightConfig(34);
       $fields[Helper::KEY_WEIGHT_TYPE] = $this->getWeightTypeConfig(35);

   return $fields;

d) After the getValueFeaturesFieldsConfig() method, lets implement the getWeightConfig() and getWeightTypeConfig() methods of fields configuration:

* Get weight unit name
* @return mixed
protected function getWeightUnit()
   try {
       $unit = $this->locator->getStore()->getConfig('general/locale/weight_unit');
   } catch (\Exception $e) {
       $unit = $this->storeManager->getStore()->getConfig('general/locale/weight_unit');

   return $unit;

* Weight field config
* @param $sortOrder
* @return array
protected function getWeightConfig($sortOrder)
   return [
       'arguments' => [
           'data' => [
               'config' => [
                   'label'             => __('Weight'),
                   'componentType'     => Field::NAME,
                   'component'         => 'Magento_Catalog/js/components/custom-options-component',
                   'template'          => 'Magento_Catalog/form/field',
                   'formElement'       => Input::NAME,
                   'dataScope'         => Helper::KEY_WEIGHT,
                   'dataType'          => Number::NAME,
                   'validation'        => [
                       'validate-number'          => true,
                       'validate-zero-or-greater' => true,
                   'sortOrder'         => $sortOrder,
                   'additionalClasses' => 'admin__field-small',
                   'addbefore'         => $this->getWeightUnit(),
                   'addbeforePool'     => $this->productOptionsWeight
                   'imports'           => [
                       'disabled' => '!${$.provider}:' . self::DATA_SCOPE_PRODUCT
                           . '.product_has_weight:value',

* Weight field config
* @param $sortOrder
* @return array
protected function getWeightTypeConfig($sortOrder)
           'arguments' => [
               'data' => [
                   'config' => [
                       'label'         => __('Weight Type'),
                       'component'     => 'MageWorx_OptionFeatures/js/component/custom-options-weight-type',
                       'componentType' => Field::NAME,
                       'formElement'   => Select::NAME,
                       'dataScope'     => Helper::KEY_WEIGHT_TYPE,
                       'dataType'      => Text::NAME,
                       'sortOrder'     => $sortOrder,
                       'options'       => $this->productOptionsWeight->toOptionArray(),
                       'imports'       => [
                           'weightIndex' => Helper::KEY_WEIGHT,


Step #4. Overriding the Class

It’s high time for our /app/code/VendorName/OptionCustomFieldWight/Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier/Features.php modified class to start working instead of the original /app/code/VendorName/OptionCustomFieldWight/Ui/DataProvider/Product/Form/Modifier/Features.php. To achieve that, we need to override it in the dependencies configuration file. For that, let’s create the /app/code/VendorName/OptionCustomFieldWeight/etc/adminhtml/di.xml file, and add the following code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
   <preference for="MageWorx\OptionFeatures\Ui\DataProvider\Product\Form\Modifier\Features"

Step #5. New Module Installation

We are almost there! The only thing left is to install our new module.

To begin with, run the following command:

php bin/magento module:status

You will see a list of enabled and disabled modules. Our new VendorName_OptionCustomFieldWight module should be located within the disabled ones.

Let’s enable it:

php bin/magento module:enable VendorName_OptionCustomFieldWeight

After you update the database,

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

you’ll see the following result:

MageWorx Advanced Product Options Customization | MageWorx Blog

Congratulations! You’ve removed the Weight & Weight Type fields from the modal window successfully.

Bottom Line

We hope this step-by-step guide has helped you easily customize the Advanced Product Options extension and thus achieve your preferences. Should you have any questions or difficulties, feel free to leave a comment in the comments box below. Otherwise, our Support Team is always happy to assist at [email protected]! =)

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