Meet Magento Italy 2014. Impressions

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Magento keeps entering new countries. This June the Meet Magento conference took place in Milan, Italy.

The event gathered lots of influential community members and companies. About 30 speakers and more than 20 sponsors took part in the conference. Twitter was full of positive reviews on the event – both the partirecipants and attendants appreciated the high level of organization and presentations.

We talked with the key speakers and asked them to share their impressions about Meet Magento Italy.

Sylvain Rayé

the Founder & Senior Developer at Diglin.Com,  Magento Community Pusher



Meet Magento Italy has just finished, what are your impressions about it? What were the most memorable moments for you personally?


It has been the 1st edition of Magento Italy. But despite this fact, the event was really well-organized. From the speeches to food and parties – everything was perfect!

What I liked most about the conference was the welcoming and friendly atmosphere. People are coming to me to discuss and share their ideas. And I, as a speaker, got a great chance to share mine.

Undoubtedly, the best part of the event is live communication. Community members have an excellent opportunity to get together, discuss their issues, air their thoughts and suggestions. It’s not like “Oh, you have a problem or idea! Sorry, I’m too cool to listen to you, so I don’t care”.  Everyone here is open to communication and is ready to help!

As for the presentations, unfortunately, that was difficult for me to understand many of them since they were in Italian. You know, I’m a French, living in Switzerland, I speak several languages. But, alas, Italian is not one of them.

But I attended all the presentations in English, and the one that I like most was “What makes Magento special?” by Thomas Fleck. And I agree with the main thought of it: Magento can make you successful, and it can change your life.

Ben Marks

Magento Evangelist at Magento, Inc. an eBay Company   



Could you please share your impressions about Meet Mageno Italy? What was the best part of it? And were there any negative moments?


The worst part is that I slept through lunch yesterday. I saw the pictures of lunch and they looked amazing. Eh..

The best part is that for the 1st event that they had here in Italy that was really well-done. Diego Semenzato did a really good job! Just look around: the attendants are hanging together, everyone is doing business, different people are running up to each other to introduce themselves and their companies. That’s the whole point of the event. It’s all about person-to-person communication.

As for presentations, I actually enjoyed Thomas’s keynote yesterday. He did a really good job to introduce the concept of Meet Magento to the local community. And I truly hope that Meet Magento Italy will grow bigger and bigger each year.

Thomas Fleck

CEO / Vorstand at Netresearch App Factory AG



You have attended lots of Meet Magento events, what do you think of this one? Was it a good start for the events of this type in Italy?

First of all, it was an amazing event. And Milan is a perfect place to host it.

Second, this is a great start for the Italian community. The global e-commerce is booming thanks to the emerging markets, and this is the perfect time for the Italian market to take off.


We know that your keynote titled “What makes Magento special?” had a great success here. Have you attended other presentations? If yes, which one did you like most?


I was honored to be one of the first speakers at the conference and to deliver a speech about the advantages of the platform. And I’m happy that my presentation resonated with the local community.

As I said in my speech, Magento has an unparalleled community, which connects people and gives them a great chance to share ideas, knowledge and experience.  That is one of the key points that makes this platform special.

As for other presentations, unfortunately, I don’t speak Italian so I can’t say which one I liked most. But judging by the number of people who attained all presentations, I can say that all they were defiantly useful for the local businesses.

* * * * *

We thank Sylvain, Ben and Thomas and hope to see them at the upcoming Meet Magento events in Belarus, Russia and Switzerland.

Have you attended Meet Magento Italy? What are your impressions of it? Feel free to share your opinion in the comments below.


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