Ultimate Guide on Order Bumps for Shopify

Order Bumps for Shopify
Reading Time: 6 minutes

With a phrase as simple as “Would you like fries with your order,” McDonald’s sells 9 million portions of fried potatoes daily. As an eCommerce vendor, you can translate the order bump technique into online shopping terms and increase revenue at your Shopify store by up to 10–30%. Amazon claims the product recommendation tactics earned the company 35% of its 2014 turnover. 

This article not only familiarizes you with the order bump notion but also gives comprehensive guidelines on how you can make it work for your benefit. We have collected tips, tricks, and examples to aid you in tailoring the sales technique to specific business needs.

Table of Contents

Defining Order Bumps vs. Upsells

Perhaps, the easiest way to explain the order bump notion is to compare it against upselling. Both have the same underlying objective, which is to increase the sales and profit of an online store by encouraging customers to purchase more. The means to achieve the goal are also identical—offering a complementary product or service in addition to a basic item.

The subtle difference is in the timing when the offers are presented. Upselling covers those deals that a store displays after customers confirm a purchase. An order bump is what a client sees right before hitting the Buy button. Therefore, the usual way to use the latter is to embed a bump on the shopping cart page or the order form.

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Order form bump 

Why a shopping cart bump?

At this stage, store administrators can capitalize on the advantage of knowing what a buyer is going to purchase and generate a bump offer to match. Typically, people would not mind buying a complimentary item that adds value to the original promise behind a product. For example, a protection screen sold together with the latest iPhone model is surely an asset.

Secondly, the shopping cart is the page that only a determined customer reaches—having the intention and means to make a purchase. Selling to someone who is already willing to spend money is a lot easier than persuading a random person to lash out on shopping. 

Finally, the order form is the right place to gain profit on the impulsive crowd—a large catch, considering that most shoppers hit the category from time to time.     

Why Add an Order Bump to Store Pages?

The reasons to introduce the sales technique into the shopping flow at your Shopify store have much to do with the effects it brings:

  • Turnover and revenue growth. Order bumps entice customers to purchase more than they would have otherwise. This causes per order proceeds to increase. Store owners do not have to spend extra money to convince shoppers to buy—those are already in the right state of mind.
  • A strong seller-buyer relationship. A proper order bump would always enhance the basic purchase. If vendors get such offers tailored to actual customer needs, the resulting prizes are a better shopping experience and an in-depth understanding of the clientele. In general, people are more willing to return to an online shop where they remember finding things easily.
  • Improved display of goods. Online stores are different from brick-and-mortar ones in how the assortment is presented to potential buyers. In a conventional store, every item is more or less visible—laid out on the shelves. In eCommerce, vendors have to think of other ways to introduce buyers to their stock extensively. Order bumps are an efficient method to expose low-profile goods, novelties, or accessories.
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Bundle bumps improve the display of products

How to Implement an Order Bump in the Right Way?

With all the multiple approaches and tips one might encounter on the Internet, our suggestion for Shopify vendors is to follow the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) sequence. For a more powerful effect, use the capabilities of the various plugins available in the app store

So, the steps to complete are as follows:

1.Catch attention. Deliver an impressive presentation of offers on your store pages, packing them up with high-quality images. 

The Cross-sell and Upsell Suite plugin boasts a comprehensive collection of tools to customize bump order sections, including titles and styles. With the Advanced Bundle app, Shopify merchants can showcase a group of items as a bundle in an HTML block or popup featuring expandable product images.

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Setting a bump offer with the Cross-sell and Upsell Suite

2. Get customers interested. Describe the offering as concisely as possible but include every essential detail.

Using the product attribute feature of the Cross-sell and Upsell Suite, Shopify merchants can set prices and other info to display or hide in an order bump. The Order and Product Fees app lets vendors include numerous purchase options as checkboxes or radio buttons.

3. Invoke the desire to buy. Set out the benefits of a shopper from a bump order. Emphasize the discounted price, exclusivity, or social approval.

The Advanced Bundle Product plugin enables shop owners to apply product discounts, highlighting prospective savings. The Order and Product Fees application makes it possible to add multiple extras on a shopping cart page, such as rush delivery or premium service.

A cart bump with the Order and Product Fees Plugin

4.   Motivate to act. Include a call-to-action part into order bumps. Typically, it is as easy as embedding the Add to cart or Buy now button.

For instance, the Advanced Bundle plugin enables shop administrators to display the Add to cart button for each item in an order bump block.

Also, remember not to overdo it—too many bumps can distract customers. Instead, minimize the offer to 1–3 options while focusing on the additional value those can hold to shoppers.

Examples to Inspire Your Own Offers

In case you are racking your brain for ideas on how to implement order bumps at your Shopify store, use the suggestions below for inspiration.

Sell Through Smart Recommendations

Immediately before buyers confirm a purchase by pressing the Buy button, it is a perfect time to advise them on an item to go with a basic offering. Product recommendations can take a variety of forms, including bundles or “Recommended for you” sections based on the analysis of previous preferences.

The smart part about this kind of advice is to suggest such merchandise that actually enhances benefits—whether in terms of price or general experience from a purchase.

Example: If you are running a furniture store, you can create a bundle with a bed as a basic item and then add a bedside table, a chair, a lamp, and a carpet as extras.

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Capitalize on Delivery Options

It is only natural that people want to get their order delivered as fast as possible. Sometimes—e.g., on the verge of a festive event or a holiday—the need becomes critical. Introducing an order bump to offer expedited shipping for a small fee can get you big profit—and the eCommerce giant Amazon knows how to make it work.

Example: With the Order and Product Fees app, it is possible to diversify an offering by adding a number of shipping alternatives associated with different times and rates.

Expedited shipping options

Tempt with Discounts

Creating an order bump with one or more discounted options is a sure way to motivate customers to buy. These can be bulk discounts for larger quantities of the same merchandise or products sold as bundles for a reduced price.

Example: If your Shopify store specializes in cosmetics, you can offer customers buying hand cream a certain percentage off the cart amount when they order a second tube. Alternatively, you can group hand cream with nail polish and sell the set cheaper than the cost of the two items bought separately.

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Discounts in bundle order bumps

Enable Delivery on Subscription

The idea is that customers should subscribe to a fee-based plan, specify the goods to deliver, and the store would ship the goods to them on a regular basis. It is a time-saving opportunity for busy clients and a chance for business owners to win a loyal clientele.

Example: If your Shopify business is a pet store, enable shoppers to request repeated delivery of pet food to their homes.

Ride the Wave of the Personalization Trend

Customizable patterns or garments, wraps, and delivery boxes are all the go today. Possessing a personalized product gives shoppers a sense of being in some way special and different from the rest.

Example: If your Shopify store sells T-shirts, you can build offers around a collection of prints to apply to sold pieces.

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Personalization order bump at Thirty-One

Introduce Membership Privileges

Membership is a kind of subscription that entitles customers to bonuses, such as exclusive deals, larger discounts, or special shipping terms. Whatever it is that you are selling with the kind of a program, it should add benefits to the original purchase.

Example: On an order form page, set a free delivery option for those who have joined your membership plan.

Offer Insurance, Protection, or Onboarding Services

Such bump offers work best in those stores that specialize in high-end merchandise that requires substantial initial investments or is associated with a steep learning curve. These include home and office gadgets, expensive construction materials, or furniture, as well as complex software systems.  

Example: A well-known example is the insurance plan that Apple sells with its devices. The offer covers accidental damages and tech issues.

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AppleCare order bump


Much like any sales technique, order bumps require a reasonable and balanced approach. As a vendor, you should be persuasive without being intrusive and think in profit and business efficiency terms without losing sight of customer needs.

Any efforts to simply sell any item as a bump offer are bound to fail. The products you promote in this way should naturally belong to the original offer. The rest of important issues we have covered in the guidelines above. So, keep calm and go back to read them again.


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